Planet to the Rescue

a cheat sheet for being part of a sea change

There are so many ways you can make a our planet more beautiful and liveable for future generations. Here are some.

Please share. If you need to print this planet rescue masterplan, do so on A4 landscape.

Buying Stuff




Going Places

Work & Finance


Ask questions:

  1. do I really need it?
  2. can I borrow it?
  3. can I rent it?
  4. buy second-hand?

really need it? - check:

  1. eco-credentials
  2. best quality
  3. spare parts available
  4. made locally
  5. natural materials
  6. best design

Design matters, is it?

  • innovative
  • useful
  • aesthetic
  • understandable
  • honest
  • unobtrusive
  • long-lasting
  • details matter
  • made from natural materials
  • as little as possible
  • fixable / recyclable


  • bags
  • containers


  • insulate your house
  • less hot water
  • turn-off stand-by appliances
  • LED lighting


  • reuse grey water
  • shorten shower
  • catch rainwater


  • avoid chemicals like bleach
  • use vinegar, baking soda, tea-tree oil


  • reduce, reuse
  • compost / bokashi / worm farm
  • fix stuff
  • research recycling options
  • make recycling easier than trashing

Eat less

in this order:

  1. fish
  2. cows / pigs
  3. sheep / lamb / goat
  4. dairy
  5. chicken
  6. processed food
  7. in general

Eat more

in this order:

  1. pest animals
  2. from your garden
  3. locally grown
  4. organically grown
  5. free range
  6. with seasons

Eating Out

  • ask questions
  • bring a doggy bag


In this order:

  1. less / better quality
  2. second-hand
  3. hemp
  4. organic cotton
  5. cotton
  6. wool


  • bamboo toothbrush
  • check ingredients
  • natural
  • bare minimum
  • dehydrated

Address blindspots

  • love animals but eat them
  • love nature but drive a car
  • love my kids but fly

Best options

in this order:

  1. walk
  2. cycle
  3. e-bike
  4. train
  5. bus
  6. moped
  7. electric vehicle
  8. carpooling
  9. shared taxi
  10. taxi
  11. own car
  12. plane
  13. boat burning heavy fuel oil

Be efficient:

  • plan ahead / combine
  • use GPS/Google maps


  • keep cup
  • bowl and cutlery
  • water bottle
  • beeswax wrap


In this order:

  1. work from home
  2. move closer to work / change jobs

at work

  • apply the same values at work
  • promote triple bottom line
  • start small
  • stress cost savings


  • choose the best

investments / retirement savings

  • investigate
  • find a green fund
  • become a shareholder activist
  • invest in a green business


  • stay-cation
  • go for longer
  • fly shorter distances, move less


  • plant trees

Your Voice

In this order:

  1. vote
  2. vote with your wallet
  3. ask questions
  4. share your changes
  5. converse with companies


  1. less is more
  2. rent crockery / cutlery
  3. have a plan for leftovers
  4. organise transport / carpool / etc...


  • give an experience / service
  • trade-aid
